Image hosting by TinyPic Undercover Angel of My Life in the Kid Zoo was the first person I invited to join the blogroll. I thought that “Blogging Chicks” would fit her zoo theme. I’m glad she joined, I enjoy her site a lot (and not just because it’s visually appealing :-), I like to hear the stories of her kids.
Here she is in her own words:

I’m a 37 year old mother of 4 beautiful children. I am a stay-at-home mom who currently works full time as a Transcriber and Transcription Formatter. Prior to this I was the author of several computer books, articles and learning materials that are still read world-wide, but I retired from that in 2001 because it required me to occassionally be away from my children for periods of time.
At one time I homeschooled one of my children, but he has since decided to go back into the mainstream school system. Homeschooling was a wonderful experience, and if a parent can arrange it I would recommend they do so, even if only for a short time. The bond between my son and I has become so much stronger just because of that year we spent together everyday.
I live in a rural community in Ontario, Canada that has no broadband. Therefore I am stuck on dial up until they decide to put up some towers.

Join me in praying that she gets DSL :-).

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