Another excellent McCain ad aimed at the female vote (probably disgruntled Hillary supporters), again focused on Obama’s celebrity status and raising taxes. Excellent job of turning a positive (good press coverage) into a negative. Here’s the Obama campaign’s response:

“This ad is a lie, and it’s part of the old, tired politics of a party in Washington that has run out of ideas and run out of steam. Even though a host of independent, nonpartisan organizations have said this attack isn’t true, Senator McCain continues to lie about Senator Obama’s plan to give 95% of all families a tax cut of $1,000, and not raise taxes for those making under $250,000 a single dime. The reason so many families are hurting today is because we’ve had eight years of failed Bush policies that Senator McCain wants to continue for another four, and that’s what Barack Obama will change as President.”

So, Obama plans to make Bush’s tax cuts permanent because if he doesn’t I know that my taxes will be going up and so will all the other parents who claim their children as dependents.

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