Racism rears it’s ugly head among Democrats in Philadelphia. Obama’s campaign struggles to earn the support of their union workers:

Asked what the problem is with Obama, McAleer paused and said: “It’s his color . . . I tell them he’s half white and half black. He’s got a better perspective for everything in this country.”
Joe Dougherty, business manager for Ironworkers Local 401, which hosted Biden’s morning event, also said race is an issue for many Democrats.
“I hear it in the neighborhood, and I hear it in the union,” Dougherty said. “But I remind them (Obama’s) mother was white. He sees all sides, and he could be just what we need to bring this country together.”

Even the former Scranton boy, Biden is finding it a tough crowd:

In a corner booth, Biden sat down and, after a moment’s conversation, planted a kiss on the forehead of Carolyn Bauer, age 89. Bauer explained afterward it wasn’t such a friendly encounter.
“I told him I’m not going to vote for him,” Bauer said. “Anybody who runs with a guy with a name like that is not going to get my vote. It’d be disgusting to get a man named Barack Obama as president of the United States. No way. I mean it . . . I’m going to vote for McCain and the lady.”

I wonder if Hillary would have been able to convince her or would Obama’s name still have been too much for her?
But I bet they aren’t too worried about Philadelphia, corruption alone will save the day. If they lose some of the union vote, they know they’ll make it up with the dead 🙂

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