What happens when a big magazine publisher decides to steal a recipe from a small food blogger? I’m calling it Hurricane Marye. Marye Audet of Baking Delights is looking for justice. Just a by-line, just an apology for the oversight, you know? And let’s face it, the Internet is like a plagiarist’s playground. Here’s a bit of Marye’s side of the story:

A couple of months ago I mentioned that one of my unique recipes had shown up in a national magazine. Both b5media and I contacted the magazine to ask that they give me attribution for the recipe. The magazine didn’t even acknowledge our emails, or the emails of the lawyers. If they will do it to me they will do it to any of you that are food blogging. After all, I had a network and network lawyers behind me and they still ignored us…

Visit her blog to read the rest of the story.

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