I was at the Barnes and Nobles studying again today. That is such a great place to study! You can study for a while, have lunch then study some more. And they have these big, comfortable chairs. Very nice. But when I came home I had to spend a 1/2 adding new Blogging Chicks! We’ve added a lot of new sites and they’re great, go check them out.
And I was happy to see that two people joined me in my “Steal this Post Thursday” meme this week:
Christopher Taylor
Teresa did it last week
And we even got people playing in our comment section (WooHoo).
I think the Christians are feeling a little guilty about stealing but we do it all the time. And we are giving credit to the person we stole it from. (Just credit the person whose site you say it on.) And I’m not taking stuff that is original — the stuff I’m taking is stuff the person took from someone else :-). Want to play?

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