It seems that the bad press about our troops has paid off at the border:
“Some migrants have told me they heard about the troops on television and, because the U.S. Army doesn’t have a very good reputation, they prefer not to cross,” Loureiro said, referring to reports of abuse in Iraq.
Only the most persistent migrants remained in San Luis Rio Colorado, which sits across from the area patrolled by the U.S. Border Patrol’s Yuma station, the busiest of the Patrol’s 143 outposts.
Migrants in the region walk some 25 miles through the scrub-covered desert with summer temperatures often exceeding 100 degrees, and then hop on cargo trains to reach their destination.
Laureano Miranda, a 37-year-old farm worker from Mexico’s Sinaloa state, said he was trying to get back to a construction job in Los Angeles.
It’s interesting, in the title of the article the phrase “illegal immigrants” is used but in the article the term, “migrants” is used throughout.
Read the rest here.
(Link via Drudge Report)