You know, as a Christian the Trinity is a big deal. It’s one of those things that we think is important enough to have councils over, important enough to burn people over it (which I of course condemn — I hope that statement pre-preempts any snide comments). We don’t mess around with this doctrine…it is the foundation of Christianity. But some want to change the language of the Trinity:

The divine Trinity–“Father, Son and Holy Spirit”–could also be known as “Mother, Child and Womb” or “Rock, Redeemer and Friend” at some Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) services under an action Monday by the church’s national assembly.
Delegates to the meeting voted to “receive” a policy paper on gender-inclusive language for the Trinity, a step short of approving it. That means church officials can propose experimental liturgies with alternative phrasings for the Trinity, but congregations won’t be required to use them.
“This does not alter the church’s theological position, but provides an educational resource to enhance the spiritual life of our membership,” legislative committee chairwoman Nancy Olthoff, an Iowa laywoman, said during Monday’s debate on the Trinity.
The assembly narrowly defeated a bid to refer the paper back for further study.
A panel that worked on the issue since 2000 said the classical language for the Trinity should still be used, but added that Presbyterians also should seek “fresh ways to speak of the mystery of the triune God” to “expand the church’s vocabulary of praise and wonder.”
One reason is that language limited to the Father and Son “has been used to support the idea that God is male and that men are superior to women,” the panel said.

“Mother, Child and Womb?” Where is that in Scripture? “Rock, Redeemer and Friend” are not distinct. Father, Son and Holy Spirit are distinct and biblical and this is how Jesus chose to have the church baptized:

Matthew 28:19-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Why wouldn’t he want this description used in worship?
BTW, when I tell people that I belong to the Presbyterian church I have to quickly tell them that I belong to the PCA not the PCUSA because I want to distance myself from this type of stuff. It’s bad enough that they consider you a liberal just because you’re a Presbyterian.

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