That’s the headline of this report in the LA Times. Just imagine the reaction to that headline if Obama was a Republican: Barack Obama said Monday that an internal investigation had found his staff had no inappropriate conversations with Illinois Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich over who would succeed the president-elect in the Senate. But Obama…

Well, I guess Dobson’s taken down another NAE leader for not towing the party line. He couldn’t get him ousted over his global warming position (as if that had anything to do with sharing the gospel) but he could over the gay marriage issue: With Cizik’s resignation, Dobson and his allies finally claimed victory. “This…

If it was related to Palin, why set a fire now when she’s no longer a candidate? It would have been a much louder statement when she was still running. Damages to the Wasilla Bible Church were estimated at $1 million, authorities said today. No one was injured in the fire, which was intentionally set…

Reid would rather see Blagojevich resign and Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn make the appointment then allow the voters the comfort of knowing that cronyism wasn’t involved in the selection. We all know why he’s doing this, he doesn’t want the Republicans a shot at the seat and with all the scandal going on in that…

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