So, Obama is putting a boarder state governor in charge of homeland security (at least that’s the rumor), Does that mean he might be looking to do a better job than Bush protecting our boarders or is he just paying back a supporter? President-elect Barack Obama’s top choice for secretary of homeland security is Arizona…

EEP! This sounds scary: “When it gets rough out there, a lot of business leaders get out of the car and say, ‘We’re OK with minor reform.’ I’m challenging you today, we’re going to have to do big, serious things,” Rahm Emanuel said, speaking to The Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council, a conference convened to…

The court will take up the case of whether the ban was constitutional and will also take up the question of the legality of the 18,000 same sex marriages already performed but they refused to suspend the ban: Responding to pleas for legal clarity from those on both sides of the issue, the California Supreme…

This sounds about right: Everywhere I went on my book tour, young people would come up. “We’re beyond your generation,” they would tell me. “We grew up differently than you did.” No, I tell them, you didn’t. You did not. You are now obsessed with race. Race is the only thing that’s driving your interest…

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