It certainly sounds like it. Pretty amazing that a lefty would admit that there is no substance to Obama’s campaign speeches. He must be a Clinton supporter. “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for,” Barack Obama said in yet another memorable election-night speech on Super-Confusing Tuesday. “We are the change that we seek.” Waiting…

Well, this seems anti-climatic: “This is no longer about past preferences or differences. It is about what is best for our country and for me that means that Republican should close ranks behind John McCain,” Thompson said in a statement reported by the Associated Press. That sounds kind of tepid, sort of like, we may…

Beliefnet has a presidential poll up that’s pretty reflective of the race (on the Republican side). Obama seems to be the Democrat of choice (as of now). He’s also ahead among Independents. BTW, I’ve been meaning to mention that Beliefnet has a community caucus where you can discuss your candidate. And if Huckabee is still…

Does he even know what is in Sharia law? Has he studied it? Doesn’t he get that this is the camel’s nose in the tent? Dr Rowan Williams told Radio 4’s World at One that the UK has to “face up to the fact” that some of its citizens do not relate to the British…

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