What passes for humor among the atheists:I hope they don’t think they’re original with their commentary on the Bible. Been there done that. It’s so 19th century higher criticism! Nothing new after all these years? Blah, blah, blah, Isaiah 7:14 doesn’t necessarily mean a virgin birth (Hebrew word not the one usually used of virgin),…

At the National Prayer breakfast. Nice! Just what Jesus would do?One thing you can say about Bush, he’s a lot more gracious to his critics than they are to him.3…2..1 (Yeah, I know what’s coming in the comment section)(via)

Here’s a great resource for those of you who’ve always wanted to go to seminary but didn’t have the time or money to invest (it takes a lot of both). There are some real gems there including Gaffin’s Theology of Hebrews and his Union with Christ lectures, Van Til’s lectures in apologetics and some Manuel…

Atheists, you can’t erase God from the public square, you don’t have enough votes yet. When you do, then you can start tearing it all down. You can knock down the Washington monument with it’s Laus Deo inscription, tear down the walls of the south and north chambers of the Lincoln monument which reads “this…

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