So, are the Mormon supporters the only ones who are “Un-American” or does that include the Christians, Jews, Muslims and other religions that voted for prop 8? It’s easy to pick on the Mormons but is he ready to take on the “Un-American” blacks who overwhelmingly voted for it? “The truth is this takes place…

According to a federal judge. He didn’t think he had the authority to tell the chief justice of the Supreme Court that he was doing something unconstitutional! Poor atheists! Now they face the discrimination of hearing the words “so help me God” spoken at the inauguration and of hearing God or gods being prevailed upon…

I’m a little late in blogging about this but I just noticed it yesterday and it ticked me off so much I had to say something. Who the heck does this guy think he’s praying to? Bishop Robinson said he had been reading inaugural prayers through history and was “horrified” at how “specifically and aggressively…

And the Bible verses the past presidents used are here. George Washington’s was weird: ESV Genesis 49:13 “Zebulun shall dwell at the shore of the sea; he shall become a haven for ships, and his border shall be at Sidon. It was chosen randomly. Just like how some people think the Lord is talking to…

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