He’s suing Zondervan for $60 million and Thomas Nelson for $10 million. I’m not sure why he picked those publishers, maybe because those are the ones his family uses or they are the biggest publishers. He’s suing because the references to homosexuality in the Bible that refer to it as a sin have violated his…

So, this is supposed to “challenge the uniqueness of my theology?” A broken tablet with faded Hebrew writing on it which is purported to speak of a messiah who was to be raised after three days: The slaying of Simon, or any case of the suffering messiah, is seen as a necessary step toward national…

In the UK of course. Muslims consider dogs unclean: Where Muslims object, officers will be obliged to use sniffer dogs only in exceptional cases. Where dogs are used, they will have to wear bootees with rubber soles. “We are trying to ensure that police forces are aware of sensitivities that people can have with the…

No, not in an Islamic nation but in the UK, of course. So, they don’t have freedom of speech, they don’t have the right to bear arms and now they appear to be sadly lacking freedom of religion: “Making them pray to Allah, who isn’t who they worship, is wrong and what got me is…

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