Here is a link to the BBC’s The Intelligence Squared Debate between Christopher Hitchens and Stephen Fry and Catholics, Archbishop John Onaiyekan and Anne Widdencombe MP debating: “Is the Catholic Church a Force for Good in the World?” Evidently, according to this report, it wasn’t so much a debate as a romp, Hitchens and Fry…

You can win up to $500 for going to church. OK, this is all kinds of wrong on so many levels:Of course they packed the church, why wouldn’t people want to win money for just an hour of sitting through a service. But their attendance is no doubt fleeting and will stop when there is…

It amazing that our intelligence community has learned so little since 9-11. They knew that Hasan had tried to contact al Qaeda and yet what did they do about it? U.S. intelligence agencies were aware months ago that Army Major Nidal Hasan was attempting to make contact with people associated with al Qaeda, two American…

The producer of the “Matrix” and “The Lord of the Flies” is making a movie about the Prophet Mohammad but since Mohammad can’t be depicted, how are they planning to make a movie about him? A film about the Prophet Mohammad backed by the producer of “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Matrix” is…

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