Reformed Chicks Blabbing

Not surprised at all that gay marriage was defeated in NY. I knew that there would be strong opposition from upstate New York: The 38-to-24 vote startled proponents of the bill and signaled that political momentum, at least right now, had shifted against same-sex marriage, even in heavily Democratic New York. It followed more than…

My grandma had a major stroke on Sunday and she isn’t expected to recover from it, the neurosurgeon says that she can go at any moment. Please pray that I can get my mother over there (PA) before she dies. I know that my mom would love to see her one last time. My daughters…

Excellent article on Tim Keller in New York Magazine. It’s amazing to me that the gospel can be preached in New York and New Yorkers are responding to it. They may not like everything they hear (as the journalist notes) but they at least giving the message a fair hearing. If jaded New Yorkers haven’t…

The lefties, like Moore are outraged that Obama is sending troops to Afghanistan: Do you really want to be the new “war president”? If you go to West Point tomorrow night (Tuesday, 8pm) and announce that you are increasing, rather than withdrawing, the troops in Afghanistan, you are the new war president. Pure and simple.…

Once again government regulation interfering with churches trying to dispense food to the homeless:Local and state governments can’t afford to feed the homeless so why are they interfering with organizations that are doing it for them?(via)

Interesting story behind the Vatican II changes to the Mass. I didn’t know that some of the reforms were for the benefit of Protestants: Many of Bugnini’s reforms were aimed at appeasing non-Catholics, and changes emulating Protestant services were made, including placing altars to face the people instead of a sacrifice toward the liturgical east.…

With the Pew Research Center Interactive quiz, I had an almost perfect score, though I thought the test was pretty easy. Embarrassed to admit that I missed the Afghan troop level question.

From a Daily Kos poll, the Democrats are going to have a problem in 2010: Voter Intensity: Definitely + Probably Voting/Not Likely + Not Voting Republican Voters: 81/14 Independent Voters: 65/23 DEMOCRATIC VOTERS: 56/40 The blogger concludes that these numbers (as well as these) indicate that the Democrats have to pass “legitimate health care reform.”…

I hope he does it, it will make the Connecticut Senate race very interesting: Former independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader is mulling a run against Sen. Chris Dodd (D) in Connecticut, according to a report. Nader, the 2000 and 2004 Green Party candidate for president, is “absorbing” the prospects of waging an independent candidacy against…

Because it violates the NYC’s ban on trans fat (even for emergency food): When a small church comes to the Bowery Mission bearing fried chicken with trans fat, unwittingly breaking the law, they’re told “thank you.” Then workers quietly chuck the food, mission director Tom Bastile said. Unbelievable! Why don’t they just tell the church…

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