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Reformed Chicks Blabbing
Reformed Chicks Blabbing
Obama supports extending Patriot Act
Susan Johnson
Um…this is change? This is Bush lite! The Obama administration supports extending three key provisions of the Patriot Act that are due to expire at the end of the year, the Justice Department told Congress in a letter made public Tuesday. Lawmakers and civil rights groups had been pressing the Democratic administration to say whether…
Bernanke: Recession is very likely over
Susan Johnson
So, do you believe him? “Even though from a technical perspective the recession is very likely over at this point, it’s still going to feel like a very weak economy for some time,” Bernanke told a questioner after giving a speech to a Brookings Institution conference. “The general view of most forecasters is that that…
Kanye West’s apology on the Jay Leno Show
Susan Johnson
Kind of felt sorry for West when Leno asked about his mom. I thought that was a little over the top, especially since his mom died a couple of years ago during a cosmetic surgery:I’m not sure people are buying his apology. I know the radio DJs on the morning show we listen to didn’t.(via)BTW,…
Pete Stark: “I wouldn’t dignify you by peeing on your leg”
Susan Johnson
Isn’t lovely the way Congressmen respond to their constituents (though, you have to give him props for allowing them to making speeches and be willing to listen):BTW, Stark states that if there is no public option, the government would set the rates. Yeah, that will work. If you force the insurance companies to set a…
More racism from the left
Susan Johnson
Further proof that it’s the left who can’t see past race. First we have this guy’s interpretation of our corporate outrage over Kanye West’s classless(and maybe drunken) act of taking the mic from Taylor Swift to insert himself in her moment. He sees an “older black man” accosting a “little white girl:” I won’t go…
The GOP should blame itself for ObamaCare
Susan Johnson
I agree with Steve Chapman completely on this, Republicans in Congress share the blame for their failure to do anything about health care while they were in control. Their proposals could have been enacted while they had control: His GOP critics in Congress, after all, have proposals to help the uninsured and curb health care…
Video:Taylor Swift dissed by Kanye West at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards
Susan Johnson
I can’t believe he rudely took away the microphone from Taylor Swift (one of my 13 year-old’s favorites) and cut short her acceptance speech just so he could voice his opinion. How incredibly narcissistic must this guy be to think the audience actually cares what artist he thinks should win the award. The audiences reaction…
Bill Maher’s racist “jokes”
Susan Johnson
I think it says more about Bill Maher that he actually sees racism in such benign a word that has nothing to do with race and then uses it as an excuse to do racist humor. Just further evidence that It’s the left who can’t see beyond the fact that Obama’s black and then project…
The majority of the DC protesters aren’t ready for the “loony bin”
Susan Johnson
It’s not very helpful of Dreher to label the DC Tea Party protesters as “kooks” based on one picture. I know that a picture is worth a thousand words, but come on, you base your opinion of a movement on this one picture? Most of the protesters were average Americans who wanted to make their…
DC Tea Party Pics
Susan Johnson
Here’s some shots my daughter took at the protest (with her Sony Cyber-shot). I think this is my favorite: Though, I like this one too (yeah, I know, it’s not technically a protest picture): The Gadsden Flag, and variants, were pretty popular: Here’s a nice shot of the Capital building and the crowds. It looks…
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