Reformed Chicks Blabbing

In England, the judge who resided over Dan Brown’s plagarizism trial, hide a message in his court papers: A secret code embedded in the text of a court ruling in the case of Dan Brown’s bestseller “The Da Vinci Code” has been cracked, but far from revealing an ancient conspiracy it is simply an obscure…

As I wrote in my profile, “I’m a stay-at-home mom who is never home (I’m usually in my car). ” I have to drive everywhere, I drive my daughters to school, I have to drive back from taking them to school, I have to drive to pick them up and I have to drive from…

Andrea Clark’s family is moving her to Chicago. Her sister, who is a democrat, has words of praise for the pro-life movement: But the pro-life people stepped forward and just absolutely ground St. Luke’s into submission on this issue. You have, without a doubt, saved my sister’s life. I want you to know that. Without…

I have homework this morning, life is busy (excuses, excuses) and so check back over the weekend for something more on John. I think Samson is on hold until after my finals, unless I can spare an hour or two but that looks doubtful. Also check on my Reformed Chicks Blabbing blog later tonight or…

I have two articles that I’m working on but they are taking forever (the one was just going to be this quick sound bite type thing but it has taken on a life of it’s on and I knew the other one was going to take awhile because it is multi-faceted) and I don’t have…

This is our second article on violent behavior from students directed against our military. (I think it might be time to get the FBI involved.) Students from another college, UNC-Chapel Hill, vandalized a ROTC armory. Read about it here. (Link via Instapundit)

Start checking the Blogging Chicks blog for announcements. I’ll still do shout outs here and on my other blog, but I won’t do announcements here.

Start checking the Blogging Chicks blog for announcements. I’ll still do shout outs here and on my other blog, but I won’t do announcements here.

Tulips will be blooming at the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed theology this weekend (they will be talking about Calvinism) I’m going. I plan to blog about it when I get back. A whole weekend being in the Word…I can’t wait!

I’m an Idol in the Technorita System! (Link via Liberally Conservative)

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