Reformed Chicks Blabbing

I know it’s hard to believe because New Jersey has the reputation of being the armpit of the East Coast( hey, that’s what I’ve been told!)… but New Jersey really is the garden state… Just look at what is blooming in my garden! “He has made everything beautiful in its time” [Ecclesiastes 3:11]… even New…

We have a new member to our blogroll, Jennifer from Sob’ah My Soul, where she blogs about her life. I really like the title graphic. Please go to her site and welcome her to our group.

I stole this from SusiePie who stole it from someone else (I think I’m going to start a whole steal this post meme): Look at the list of books below. Bold the ones you’ve read, italicize the ones you might read, cross out the ones you won’t, underline the ones on your book shelf, and…

One of our Blogging Chicks, Tabz is reviewing blogs over at her Stupid People Shouldn’t Breed blog. If she deems your blog worthy, you will get a coveted “rarely stupid” button for you blog. I don’t take criticism well or I would submit my blogs :-). Undercover Angel was deemed worthy (of course).

I’m using Andreas J. Kostenberger’s commentary on John for my hermeneutic paper. You can order it from the Westminster bookstore for less than $30. It is an excellent commentary. It is a newer commentary and therefore he is able to interact with many of the previous commentaries on John. It is well researched and very…

John Hawkins of Right Wing News talked to Andrea Clark’s sister (I blogged about this here): I spoke to Andrea’s sister, Melanie Childers, again today to get an update on what’s happening. To begin with, she said that a lot of pro-life people have been calling the hospital and she thinks it’s having a real…

We have a new member to our blogroll, Jennifer from Sob’ah My Soul, where she blogs about her life. I really like the title graphic. Please go to her site and welcome her to our group.

I burnt my oatmeal this morning, again. Nothing like the smell of burnt oatmeal first thing in the morning 🙁 Updated to add: Twice! As you can tell, I wasn’t blogging in the kitchen as I was supposed to do. I’m having toast this morning.

We had some relatively good news in chapel today, Professor Groves cancer has stopped growing. From his blog: CT SCAN RESULTS. Today I heard that the CT scan shows that the cancer is stable for now-the scans show no new tumors and the existing tumors have not grown since the last CT scan. I feel…

Well, at least to me anyway. In Technorit, if you search for the tag “Calvinism,” you get almost a whole page of my posts! Check it out. (I’m tempted to put in a Calvinism tag :-).

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