Reformed Chicks Blabbing

I have put up a couple posts on prayer on my other blog.

This morning I decided at five minutes before I had to get my daughters up, to write something on prayer that I learned over the weekend. I wanted to get it on the blog because I didn’t know if I would get to it again and I didn’t want to forget. In chapel this morning…

I was really struck by Christ’s repeated exhoration to pray as I was reading through John this weekend: John 15:1 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch of mine that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it…

So, Shannon from Rocks in the Dryer started her on meme day to share things that work for us: Think how much we could all learn from each other if we share our own little ideas!. IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE EARTH-SHATTERING. Just simple, affordable and designed to make the tiniest difference in your day…

Please pray for my fellow seminarian, Trina. She is struggling this semester. Please prayer that the Lord will enable her to finish and that she can put her trust in Him. Also, please pray for Professor Groves today. We will be praying for him today at the seminary.

I’m posting this because our feedburner comes up before us when someone searches for “reformed chicks.” Now, I have to think that this is someone who came to our blog and didn’t bookmark us. Tsk, tsk. Bookmark us now, because you know you’re coming back :-). Otherwise you’ll google us and wind up at our…

I’m praising God tonight! I am finally on the PCA Blogs and the League of Reformed Bloggers blogrolls. I have been praying everyday that the Lord would get me on those blogrolls and He did. How great is that?

I’m praising God tonight! We are finally on the PCA Blogs and the League of Reformed Bloggers blogrolls. I have been praying everyday that the Lord would get me on those blogrolls and He did. How great is that?

What is up with Texas that they would have such an evil law like this: An ill woman in Houston could die within days because a hospital ethics committee has voted to take her off life support – this despite the fact the 54-year-old is not in a coma, is not brain dead and wants…

Notice that my visitors are from all over America and Europe and look at Australia. Hi,to all you people from down under!!

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