Reformed Chicks Blabbing

Here is a funny site. They take snacks to a new level: PimpMySnack is a custom, banging, A1 Tip Top, jamming club fare. It’s a sandwich of fun on ecstacy bread wrapped up in a big bag like disco fudge. It doesn’t get any better than this. We take Snacks to their limit, and show…

I am praising the Lord right now, because I don’t have any homework!! Housework yes, homework, no. Late Monday morning (1:45 a.m.), I *finally* finished my paper for my Political Science class. (I had to write a minimum 7 page book review–I read Tony Blankley’s new book–I highly recommend it!). The paper was due in…

For those who are new to my blog, I would like to recommend taking a look in my archives. I have many digests of sections of theology books that you might be interested in. Topics on salvation which include common grace, election, are free-will offer of the gospel. And I have written two articles on…

I pray that bin Laden is captured soon because he is causing great devastation to the Middle East and I pray for his victims and their families: Three nearly simultaneous bombings hit an Egyptian beach resort popular with foreigners Monday at the height of the tourist season, killing at least 23 people a day after…

OK, so here’s our lesson for the day, when you’re caught plagiarizing, remember to state that you most have internalized the other source. Harvard University sophomore with a highly publicized first novel acknowledged Monday that she had borrowed material, accidentally, from another author’s work and promised to change her book for future editions. Kaavya Viswanathan’s…

Isn’t 103 inches and 400 pounds a little excessive? Is this for bragging rights? Read about it here. (Link via JPod at The Corner)

We will probably be vacationing in DC in June. Any good restaurant suggestions?

We will probably be vacationing in DC in June. Any good restaurant suggestions?

I read through the Gospel of John over the weekend and part of today. It took me forever because I was making note of when John wrote of something (a miracle, a person, the Old Testament, the Father, Jesus Himself) witnessing to Jesus. Also, I’m making note of Jesus’ use of light and darkness and…

So, out of the 10 I’m probably going to see 2 of them. Man, I hope there are a lot more choices than this because I love going to the movies during the summer. Since I’ve been in seminary, it’s the only time I can go. And I love taking the girls to see the…

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