Reformed Chicks Blabbing

I think this morning someone tried to find my Life Under the Sun (luts) blog and Google directed them here. This post is to make sure people are directed to Life Under the Sun and not get lost somewhere on this blog. Tags: luts, blog, Michele

I’ve been having problems posting with blogger lately. Hence the double posting, one was supposed to be deleted but blogger goes into an infinite loop, gets stuck and won’t publish. *Sigh* you get what you pay for. Also, now that my posts are shorter (due to the show/hide tags), I was noticing that I don’t…

I’m sorry but this doesn’t fill me with confidence in your service: Server Error Gmail is temporarily unavailable. Cross your fingers and try again in a few minutes. We’re sorry for the inconvenience. One of the few drawbacks of using Gmail is that it’s not always available when you want to read your email.

I’m reading through John in preparation for my hermeneutics paper. In John 9, Jesus heals a man born blind, the Pharisees question him and his parents to determine if he was really blind from birth: John 9:26 They said to him, “What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes?” 27 He…

Sarah drew a new picture of me. I have a mouth in this one and it is open. She says I’m smiling, I think I look like I’m yelling. The body is not even close to reality. But I like it. She says the saying on my shirt is accurate.

You may be asking yourself, “What is up with this blog? Sometimes it has ‘show +’ and the next it has ‘Read more,’ what’s going on?” Or maybe your didn’t notice :-). I have been trying to get two different scripts to work so that I can hide text on long posts so that scrolling…

This goes out to the brilliant and talented Teresa who finally was able to help me get Pastor Shaun’s code to work!!! And of course a big thank you to Pastor Shaun for making the code available! Your post body should look like this: Updated to add this –the post section of the template (click…

I have been added to the Christian Women Online Blog Ring. If you are interesting in checking them out, look on the side bar for a picture of a bunch of women. Really quick response time. I joined last night and got my acceptance today.

As I was reading in preparation of writing a exegesis paper for my hermeneutics class I came across the following verses that I thought were interesting: The day of the Lord: Amos 5:18 Woe to you who desire the day of the LORD! Why would you have the day of the LORD? It is darkness,…

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