Reformed Chicks Blabbing

I was reading John this morning for my hermeneutics paper and I was struck by this passage: John 5:5 One man was there who had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. 6 When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time, he said to him, “Do you…

Teresa got Pastor Shaun’s code to work but it did not work for me. I’m not sure why. But I did get this to work. It’s doesn’t work all the time as you can see if you check out my other blog. But the benefit of this code is that you don’t have to tag…

I almost forgot!

I almost forgot!

Lindsey of Enjoy the Journey is reporting on her blog that five Americans from North Carolina have been detained: Chinese police have detained five Americans who are connected to North Carolina churches including some in Greensboro. It happened during a raid on a Christian retreat in the southwestern part of that country. Join me in…

Welcome Polly Boyette of Life is a Buffet in Virginia to our Blogging Chicks blogroll. Polly’s is an author who has written a book entitled, “Life is a Buffet” which “is a collection of hilarious but true stories…Along with each story, a scriptural interpretation has been added to teach simple Biblical principals.” Please stop by…

Welcome Polly Boyette of Life is a Buffet in Virginia to our Blogging Chicks blogroll. Polly’s is an author who has written a book entitled, “Life is a Buffet” which “is a collection of hilarious but true stories…Along with each story, a scriptural interpretation has been added to teach simple Biblical principals.” Please stop by…

Since Ang, our 24 expert, appears to be taking a much deserved rest from last weeks heavy week of blogging :-), I thought I would post something so that the “Blogs For Bauer” folks don’t get miffed with us for not posting. Here is a link to a summary of 24 from Dave Barry. Also,…

Sometimes the Westminster makes their chapel messages public: “Consider it all joy,” declares the Epistle of James, “when you encounter various trials.” Easier said than done? In this chapel message, Professor Timothy Witmer expounds the Scriptures to help us understand both why it is hard for us have joy, and why, through Christ, joy is…

There’s something seriously wrong when officials at a Christian college think they have to threaten the female students not to pose nude for Playboy. Aren’t somethings just a given? Baylor University in Waco, Texas, which bills itself as the world’s largest Baptist college, has threatened to discipline female students if they pose for Playboy magazine,…

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