Reformed Chicks Blabbing

It is beyond weird, it is just plain wrong that this blog is listed first for “life of the sun.” There is no way anyone should come here when they are looking for this kind of information. Why in the world would I be first? I don’t blog about the sun. I understand that “life”…

Pastor Shaun couldn’t even make my template work! So, I’ve given up on his script. I found another one but I don’t have time to try it. Teresa, could you try this and let me know if it works? BTW, Pastor Shaun has all kinds of interesting stuff up on his blog, go check it…

I have added another site to our reciprocal blogroll, Chaplin Todd Luken, of There and Back Again. He came here last night, saw that we were all that 🙂 and decided to link to us. See, this is how it’s done. Chaplin Luken is going to Iraq and will be back again in 07. Let’s…

You Have a Melancholic Temperament Introspective and reflective, you think about everything and anything. You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life. You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you. Given enough time alone, it’s easy for you to find inner peace. You tend to be spiritual,…

I’m going to be spending the weekend working on my hermeneutics paper. I’m doing John 9:1-5. I’ll post throughout the weekend the interesting things I’m learning.

Here is site that is embracing the stereotype (it’s part of the Glen Beck program). (Link via Slapstick Politics)

Woohoo! I finally have access to our money in the new checking account! My checks arrived Wednesday and my debit card arrived yesterday. Ah, freedom!

Why in the world would any mom send their baby girl to a college that can’t control their students? Santa Cruz just took themselves out of the running (they probably didn’t stand a chance anyway) to be awarded the privilege of having Sarah as a student. I am talking about this: Four military recruiters hastily…

Here’s a blog hosting a debate between Brian Fleming the producer of the movie, The God Who Wasn’t There and centuri0n of …and his ministers a flame of fire (you will need to scroll down a little for the beginning of the debate). Tags: Calvinism, Christianity, Theology, Reformed, Brian Fleming, The God Who Wasn’t There,…

Here’s an interesting gun blog, he appears informative (how would I know, it’s all gibberish to me) and I like his title graphic.

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