Reformed Chicks Blabbing

Pastor Shaun updated his post to make it less confusing but it’s still not working for me. Updated: I noticed that Pastor Shaun’s “read more” opens the text in the current page but mine goes to a completely new page, I wonder why?

Pastor Shaun has posted a way to hide the text (which we can all agree would be a big blessing for this blog :-), but I can’t get it to work. It works for him but for me it displays “Read the rest…” and “…Collapse Post” for every post. Here is what it looks like.…

Susan and I have papers for school and Angela appears to be MIA again. I will still try to post something everyday, so please stop back.

One of the reasons we do not send our children to public schools is that there is no real accountablity. At a private school, the parents are pretty much in control because we are the consumer. If we are unhappy, our complaints are taken seriously. I know this from experience. I’ve read many stories in…

Well, I couldn’t get it to work. I tried for over an hour. For some reason it displays “Read the rest…” and “…Collapse Post” for every post. Maybe I’ll try it again tonight.

If you want to hide text in Blogger, Pastor Shaun figured it out. I haven’t tried it yet but I will tonight. Check my other blog in the morning to see if I was successful. BTW, while I was scrolling down, looking at the code, I got distracted by his quotes and noticed that I…

Remind me never to tag Angela or Susan again! They are a dead end!

So, I’ve been doing a little experimenting with my Weltanschauung Blogging site and I think that I might get more traffic if I switched to it and dropped Life Under the Sun. I think it stands out on a blogroll and makes you go to it just to see what’s up. The same way Reformed…

Is that there is too much group think. This post by the Walrus demonstrates the problem with businesses. He writes of a woman who was billed for surcharges on her credit card balance even though she was dead. The supervisor had no way to fix the problem. This is clearly unacceptable and there is no…

Hey Susan, what’s up? Can’t think of ten?

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