Reformed Chicks Blabbing

We have joined the Anti-PC blogroll because as Christians we are considered politically incorrect, bigoted and intolerent. So, why not just go with the label. We are anti-PC (the opposite of PC :-). Basically we joined for the button and to make a statement. BTW, the owner of this blogroll was very quick in putting…

Back to our discussion of Samson. In this post I had suggested that you read Deuteronomy 28 to determine the significance of the barrenness of Samson’s mother. In Deuteronomy 28 God, speaking through Moses, is preparing the people to live in the promised land. If they are obedient to the law they will be blessed…

Two new blogs have been added to our Blogging Chicks Blogroll. The first is Pamela Lynn of Time Flutters By in Hampton, VA. She blogs about her life and scrapbooking. She has some wonderful pictures of her scrapbook pages. Go check them out. I wonder if she knows Mel, the Blogging Chicks’ Creative Memories consultant?…

Two new blogs have been added to our Blogging Chicks Blogroll. The first is Pamela Lynn of Time Flutters By in Hampton, VA. She blogs about her life and scrapbooking. She has some wonderful pictures of her scrapbook pages. Go check them out. I wonder if she knows Mel, the Blogging Chicks’ Creative Memories consultant?…

If anyone is interested in what I look like, I posted a picture here. My hair is a little longer now than it was in this picture.

My daughter, Sarah drew this picture last year when we were thinking about blogging. You can tell it’s old because I have a Compaq laptop in the picture. That one died last year, I now have a Toshiba. I was going to use this picture as my title picture. I think I’ll add it to…

Tabz is requesting that people donate to the Suicide hotline. The amount needed is very small. Go to her site for more information. Tags: Suicide Hotline, Suicide

You scored as James Orr. You are James Orr. You are not afraid of Scholarship, but you know that scholarship is not necessarily objective. James Orr 85% John Knox 70% Thomas Boston 70% James Denney 65% Thomas Chalmers 50% Which Scottish Theologian are you? created with (Link via Rebecca Writes) Updated to add: the…

This is a picture of my dh. He did really well. He finished the marathon in 3 hours and 22 minutes, which placed him at number 3428 out of about 22,000 runners. Yesterday was a great day for a marathon. We are really happy and blessed that the Lord gave him success in this effort!

Undercover Angel of My Life in the Kid Zoo was the first person I invited to join the blogroll. I thought that “Blogging Chicks” would fit her zoo theme. I’m glad she joined, I enjoy her site a lot (and not just because it’s visually appealing :-), I like to hear the stories of her…

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