Reformed Chicks Blabbing

This is really cool. A fractal egg decorating contest. (Link via Stop the ACLU)

O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting? Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. 1 Corinthians 15: 55

Day two of shopping for an Easter dress and shoes. Samantha decided not to go shopping with us today, since she was the one who got the dress yesterday. She was so exhausted from five hours of shopping that she decided to relax by cleaning her room :-). So, it was Sarah and I. I…

We start with Denise because she left the following in my comment section and when I read it I realized this was a great idea, you guys could introduce yourselves! (Duh! Why didn’t I think of this sooner?). Now, here is Denise in her on words: My name is Denise and I live in TN…

I’m inviting all the new and even the “old” Blogging Chicks to email me something about yourselves that I will post to my blog. I didn’t give the new chicks much of an introduction, so this will be your opportunity.

Reserved Analyst I didn’t agree with all the results but some of it was pretty close. I would agree that I am reserved and analystic. What this test doesn’t take into consideration or ask is if you believe God is in control of your situation, they asked if you thought your circumstances were controled by…

The guys at South Park got so mad at the censors who wouldn’t let them include an image of Mohammed, that they instead included an incident involving Jesus, Bush and the American flag. Thus proving once again, it’s OK to bash our President, the symbol of our liberty and Jesus but not Mohammed. Read about…

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