Reformed Chicks Blabbing

Since we might be endorsing Jack Bauer for president, I thought it would be a good idea to join his blog group, Blogs for Bauer.

Wow! What a week we’ve had for Blogging Chicks Blogroll! This list is really growing fast, much faster than I have time for :-). Usually I give a nice little introduction to each site but this week I am unable to do so. I invite you to go check out each blog for yourself. I…

Wow! What a week we’ve had for Blogging Chicks Blogroll! This list is really growing fast, much faster than I have time for :-). Usually I give a nice little introduction to each site but this week I am unable to do so. I invite you to go check out each blog for yourself. I…

Why does the mall want to send a woman, who came to spend money (and was prepared to spend whatever it took), home empty handed. We bought one dress for $25. That was it! We spent more money eating than we did actually buying merchandise. All three of us needed an Easter dress and the…

We missed church tonight. I went shopping with the girls for Easter dresses (yes, I know this is last minute, this is how I shop) and we couldn’t find anything, so it took forever because I had to drive all over the state of NJ. I thought I could cook quickly enough that we would…

The other night over dinner, my girls and I were talking about the upcoming Easter break from school. I said “You know, school is closed on Good Friday too”. My daughter Lauren said “Why do they call it Good Friday? There is nothing “good” about it, that was the day they crucified Jesus”. Don’t you…

Isaiah 53:1 Who has believed what they heard from us? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed? 2 For he grew up before him like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground; he had no form or majesty that we should look at him, and no beauty…

Good Friday, the day Jesus died on the cross as a sacrifice for sin. What does the cross represent to us today? To the feminist it is an act of violence that has lead to other acts of violence and the victimization of women and children: When Christians identify the central story of their faith…

I’m sorry you had to look at balloons all day today. As you could guess, I was busy with birthday stuff. The girls had half a day, their grandparents went to school for grandparents’ day and then we went out to lunch. And it took soooooo long for us to get our food, I’m never…

If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking. – George S. Patton Jr. (from Cadmusings)

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