Reformed Chicks Blabbing

Well, I’ve added a quote of the day, so that we look like we have something going on in the intellectual department. Plus we have joined another fine blogroll, the Alliance of the Anonymous. I don’t just join any blogroll, I have to agree with their purpose: Tired of all them Blogrolls with all them…

We are not affiliated with any boycott of anything. I don’t support them and I believe that innocent people become adversely affected by them and that a “mob” mentality could develop. And they unfairly target some and not others who are just as “guilty.” I believe our time could be better spent talking through our…

Samantha asked me to ask you to pray for a little girl she knows who has pneumonia and problems with her lung and only a fifty percent chance of surviving. Her name is Cindy and she is only three years old.

Two children doing chores, one says something to the other and then a fight breaks out and in the snootiest voice ever: “Practice what you preach” “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” “Love your neighbor as yourself” I’m not sure the Lord intended his word to be used this way.

Did you know that White Horse Inn has podcasts? Why didn’t someone tell me? You can go here to signup.

Since starting college I find that I don’t have as much “free time” as I did when I was a lady of leisure (I say that with a smirk), so as soon as I finish this semester I hope to post more. Thanks Michele for letting me ride your coat-tails! BTW, please pray for me.…

Okay, so I read a couple of posts here where people were extolling the joys of Firefox. I hadn’t even heard of Firefox. I Googled, I asked around, I decided to give it a shot. Well, let me tell you that if are the other person who hasn’t yet discovered this, jump on in! And…

This from the reformation21 blog: “The role of women in God’s Church is a vital and volatile question in every age, but the increased visibility of this topic in our time demands that the Church develop a theology of, and a functioning model for, women’s ministry in the local church.” (Susan Hunt and J. Ligon…

In this post I said that someone would come here because I mentioned Ligon Duncan and sure enough they came. Mention Ligon Duncan and they will come (oh, no, I did it again — heehee). Ligon Duncan is here.

ABC is going to offer four of their shows online for free in May. I think that shows that they are being smart for a change. I can’t believe how dumb these people are not making their content available on the Internet. They would increase their viewership tremendously since it would be world-wide and they…

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