Reformed Chicks Blabbing

It was Iraqi Liberation Day today! Why didn’t someone mention it to me, I would have said something. I am thankful that the Iraqi people are able to start down the road to democracy. It takes time, Germany had many problems after the war but slowly they were able to rebuild. I think that Iraq…

Are up at my other blog.

Chapter 13 1. (v. 1) What was a possible reason for the barrenness of Manoah’?s wife? (Hint: See Deut. 28:15, 18) Why do you think the woman is not named? 2. (vv. 2-3) Why do you think that the he says that her son would “begin”? to save Israel from the Philistines? 3. (vv. 3-5)Read…

So, I got us a new toy. Scroll down to my Technorati baby picture to see it. It will display where everyone is from who visits us. Isn’t that cute? I wish we had it before because we have had people from all around the world so far, including the Middle East and China!

I thought instead of a study we should have a discussion. It will be less formal than a study and will work better on the Internet than a study would. Now, if you guys don’t leave comments I’m going to have a one-sided discussion and maybe someone who is interested in Samson will benefit when…

1. I know now why people can’t stand blogger Pictures say that they’re loaded and aren’t Pictures suddenly disappearing from posts Posts disappearing and then reappearing No trackbacks Templates stink The editor doesn’t have an undo button and it really, really needs one (really) 2. I know now why people who can’t stand blogger stay…

John 12:13 So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!” More at my other blog. (Graphic via Crossmap Clipart)

Well, I forgot today was Palm Sunday. I’m forgetting a lot of things lately. I think it’s the lack of sleep. Our Thanksgiving prayer today in church was: “Thank you for reminding us of your love and the sacrifice of the death of your son, Jesus Christ. In this coming week remind us of your…

Yesterday this verse kept going through my head (you know, like a song but without music). Lamentations 3:22-23 The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

This is our 300th post! Can you believe it? No dancing numbers this time. They were too big and I’m too tired. You get a little woo hoo (and not even a dancing one) and some ballons. Who would have thought that we would make 300 in less than four months? See why we called…

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