Reformed Chicks Blabbing

So, we’re in the Christian Aggregrator which has our newest posts listed, guess which one lead someone to come here. You guessed it, Just Call Us Nasty Chicks.

Instead of laughing at the you, the poor person who got here through a weird google search (like most bloggers do), I thought I would offer some help in getting you to the place you must have been looking for. I will be adding to this post over the next week or so, so I…

Wow, talk about making your dream happen: A British singer has signed up by a major record label after broadcasting live performances from her living room on the Internet. Sandi Thom, 24, is now on the books of RCA/SonyBMG after signing with the label at her flat on Monday night. She built up a daily…

I am going to start a reciprocal blogroll. I’m going to be redoing our link lists using blogroll and bloglines. I am only going to be linking to the blogs I read in bloglines (and that’s not a lot). If you link to us, you can join our reciprocal link list. Just let me know…

Hey, Ang! Because you used the word nasty in this post, we are number one (as of this post) when you search for “Nasty Chicks Blog” using MSN search. Wow, Ang only back one day and you are bringing all kinds of readers to our site :-). Updated to add: So, I thought I would…

Hey, Doug, Susan and Linda Here’s a woman who blogs way more than I do! Karen of From the Praire and got me a college girl, has started yet another blog, this one is a resource to help homeschoolers. Go here for details. Tags: Homeschooling, Homeschool, Blogging, Blogs, Blog

I forgot to mention that I have an introduction to a Colossians Bible study I wrote a number of years ago posted to my other blog. The introduction looks at how we should study the Bible (through an understanding of our union with Chirst). If you are interested in my posting more of the material…

“Jesus walked on ice not water” says Professor at Florida State University. Just another example of… “men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness” [Romans 1:18]. Of course I’m not surprised, just noting the truth of scripture played out in our culture. Susan

We knew this guy in college. He used to stand in my kitchen and speak lovingly of ribs and scrapple. Now he’s an author and “commentator” and he calls himself Mr. Cutlets. He has written a book on the best places in NYC to eat meat. And he has this very funny, yet informative site.…

Karen of From the Praire and got me a college girl, has started yet another blog (she must be on the computer all the time, see Doug, Linda and Susan, there is someone worse than me), this one is a resource to help homeschoolers. Go here for details.

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