Reformed Chicks Blabbing

Scrappleface, funny and insightful as always: A team of scientists today ended a 10-year study on the so-called “power of prayer” by concluding that God cannot be manipulated by humans, not even by scientists with a $2.4 million research grant. … “As it turns out, God was not impressed by our academic credentials, our substantial…

Who knew? Does that mean I don’t have to feel guilty about not exercising? There are many things you can do to increase your life expectancy: exercise, eat well, take your medication and … go to church. A new study finds people who attend religious services weekly live longer. Specifically, the research looked at how…

Please Note: I am adding a comment to this entry. It has come to my attention that my comments have been linked to a blog that I’m not necessarily comfortable with. I’d just like to state for the record that the views expressed by any people who link to this entry may or may not…

So, I learned a very valuable lesson tonight. Have a backup of your template so you can restore it if you fall asleep editing it. And secondly, always do a preview no matter how small the template changes in case you did something stupid like delete a bunch of stuff.

Well, we had some excitment at my other blog. Right Wing News linked to us today. I have no idea why, they just said we were the website of the day. There you go. The Lord has His reason, I guess. So over 200 people come through the site and only 3 left comments. What’s…

Libbie Groves posts about her struggles as she deals with her tooth and her husband’s cancer: Last week as I asked the Lord why he didn’t want my tooth to get numbed and crowned so I could get on with the rest of life that needed tending to, I realized that I had to kneel…

So, I thought I should blog something political since you are all here but I can’t think of anything that hasn’t been said better on other blogs. We’re really not political, though we are all Republicans and pro-life. I blog about abortion on occasion but mostly we blog about things that interest us. Like the…

168 people and Sarahk and RightWingDuck are the only ones who leave comments? What is up with that?

We didn’t want to appear ungrateful that we’ve been recognized by RWN… just surprised as all get out!! So on behalf of the Reformed Chickies: Thanks!! 🙂


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