Reformed Chicks Blabbing

I told you guys to buy my stock, did you listen? Well, someone did because it shot up. It was $25 a share and now it’s $118! But when I wrote that last night, I didn’t know that I was about to increase the value of my Reformed Chicks Blabbing blog. If you can, buy…

Go check out Karen’s quotes about women by men of the church over at got me a college girl. Here’s a sample: “Men should not sit and listen to a woman. Even if she says admirable things, or even saintly things, that is of little consequence, since they came from the mouth of a woman.”…

If you have some spare cash you want to give to someone, Beth wants to see Faith Hill and Tim McGraw and needs the money by Saturday.

Tabitha says that next week is buy a friend a book week. Just wanted to let you know so you had time to shop.

Please remember to keep Professor Groves in your prayers. He has a blog where he posts updates and prayer requests. I know that some of you have been very supportive of me in prayer and I ask that you do the same for him. Here is one of his requests: I am beginning my second…

Please remember to keep Professor Groves in your prayers. He has a blog where he posts updates and prayer requests. I know that some of you have been very supportive of me in prayer and I ask that you do the same for him. Here is one of his requests: I am beginning my second…

What is this all about? How can they trade shares on my blog when I didn’t even submit it? I know that it’s just a game, but I’m not thrilled that I can’t get in on the action and besides shouldn’t I be the full owner of the blog? I sent an email asking for…

We have another addition to our Blogging Chicks blogroll. Mel of Empress4 – Journey to being multi-talented in Minnesota. Welcome to the group, Mel! Mel has been blogging for quite some time, almost two years. That’s ancient as far as blogs are concerned. She works full time as a Creative Memories consultant. From what I…

I am not trying to pick a fight here, I’m really not. I actually understand why women work after they have kids. I think it’s hard to give up something you worked so hard to achieve — I held on for two years (working part-time) before I finally gave up and gave into being a…

BTW, before I tell you what it is, please note that prayer requests can go both ways :-). I’m happy to pray for you and I’m sure others would be as well. Please feel free to leave your prayer request in the comment section or email me. Please pray for me and my fellow classmates…

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