Reformed Chicks Blabbing

Rebecca’s list of blogging tools is getting quite long and has many very useful items that I’ve never heard of before like this site where you can make custom signs for your blog. They even have a comic generator were I made my very own generated comic! If any of you would like to generate…

Rebecca’s list of blogging tools is getting quite long and has many very useful items that I’ve never heard of before like this site where you can make custom signs for your blog. They even have a comic generator were I made my very own generated comic! If any of you would like to generate…

I’m doing an assignment for my hermeneutics class today and I have to read the course syllabus to prepare to do the assignment. I’ll explain the assignment later but I thought you might be interested in the following from the notes: Major Themes of the Book of Isaiah Idol polemic Creation and birth Proclamation and…

Another addition to the blogroll. I don’t feel like repeating myself so go over to my other blog for more information.

Someone else has decided to take the plunge and join our list. Welcome Beth from Ramblings Of An Undisturbed Mind, somewhere in America who is in West Virginia. Beth has a nicely designed site with an uncluttered look and an excellent title graphic and she is an interesting writer too, I really enjoyed reading about…

Here is a very sad story about a thirteen year-old prostitute. When I read about children in situations like this, I can’t help but compare their life to that of my daughter. I think about what the world would be missing without someone like her in it and then I think about what the world…

This is ridiculous. People, what does it matter to you if someone wants to put up a sign that says “Happy Easter?” Freedom of speech anyone? Hollywood, isn’t this your issue? A city bureaucrat forces a secretary to take down her own, personal Easter display: The display – a cloth Easter bunny, pastel-colored eggs and…

Your Hidden Talent You have the power to persuade and influence others. You’re the type of person who can turn a whole room around. The potential for great leadership is there, as long as you don’t abuse it. Always remember, you have a lot more power over people than you might think! What’s Your Hidden…

Imagine my shock when I found out that this site comes up second when you enter into the Technorati search engine. There is me (as a baby) looking all cute and smiley about being linked with Mrs. Satan. Oh, the Internet is a strange place. Tags: Technorati Search, Blogs, Links

So, two brave souls have taken the plunge and joined my blogroll. The first was the Undercover Angel over at My Life In the Kid Zoo. The second was Lisa from The Family of Five over in the UK Ireland! My blogroll is international! Isn’t that cool? Come join us, especially if you’re from India…

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