Reformed Chicks Blabbing

I just installed Firefox and noticed that we have a problem with the title picture. I hate these stupid browsers and html. I thought all of this was supposed to be standard! Updated to fix the name of the product I just installed minutes before I posted this!

Isn’t this great? I think it looks a little like a ransom note. They were supposed to cut out pictures from magazines that represented aspects of the story and they got extra points for originality. Ok, I can’t decide if the title should be “of” or “for.” Would someone who got 100% on the grammar…

I found some good recipes here. One of the recipes is for a Bailey’s Irish Cream pudding. Hmmm, pudding. I love Bailey’s Irish Cream and used to drink it when I went out dancing in my younger, pre-children, pre-Christian days. I love Hagen-daze Bailey’s Ice Cream and I’m thankful that it only comes out for…

I have had my first truly negative comment today. I knew it was only a matter of time. The world doesn’t like to hear that what it’s doing is wrong, they don’t want to know that abortion is stopping the beating of a human heart. That you are ending a human life made in the…

I thought of a name for my experience with surfing the Blog Mad blogs, the merry-go-round. I go around and around and I keep seeing the same scenery.

Rebecca asked her readers to submit the tools they use in setting up and running their blogs. The comments have been helpful (you may recognize one of the commenters :-), so check it out. Here is a site I could have used Friday when I tried to work on the new template for this site.…

As I was considering what I wanted to share on this blog, I kept running into a problem: Who do I say I am? Is there a label that will correctly identify who I am and what I believe? The problem with labels is not the label itself but in the definition. There in lies…

I will either post a digest tomorrow or something from my hermeneutics class.

We hit 200 posts about 17 posts ago but I thought I would celebrate anyway and I hit 100 posts at my other blog (there’s too much posting going on around here). (Dancing numbers from

I just realized I went over the 100 post mark! And I hit the 200 over at my other site. It’s amazing to me that I’ve posted over 300 times within a 3 month span (oh, boy that seems wrong somehow — I do have a life). (Dancing numbers from

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