Reformed Chicks Blabbing

I was thinking, since we are a chicks blog shouldn’t we have more recipes? I know Susan cooks and I do cook as well. I’m thinking maybe people might appreciate a recipe or two. So Susan, I’ve been meaning to ask you for that ham and pasta dish you made when Sarah slept over the…

I posted an article about my week on my other blog. I was going to do it here but it was too long.

Last week: “We’re having a Dr. Seuss Day at school.” “That’s nice.” “We’re going to have a dress down day.” “Oh?” “We get to wear pajamas and bring a pillow and wear slippers.” “What are you going to wear?” “I don’t know.” I think about her various nightgown options and realize she is hinting at…

I didn’t know that the Supreme Court had shot down NOW’s attempt to use the RICO statute to sue pro-life protestors. I remember hearing about this and being outraged. Justice was finally served and to demonstrate what an injustice it was, both the conservative and liberal justices agreed (the ruling was 8-0). Read about it…

When I started this blog I had a hard time explaining what my purpose was and it took two posting to do it (here and here). I finally got it down to two sentences: A blog designed to share the musings of a seminary student and mom. Real Christianity in action, not just our culture’s…

Remember abc gum? You know, already been chewed. Well this kid finds out the hard way what NOT to do with it. You just never know what kids will think of next!

I’m not sure if I mentioned this here before, but if so it bears repeating. My Hermeneutics professor, Dr. Poythress has a website. His books are available there as well as the class notes for all his classes and many of his published articles. He shares the website with Dr. John Frame.

Here is an article on Romans 11 that is helpful to understand what Paul meant by “all Israel will be saved.”

Here’s a link to an article by R. C. Sproul on double predestination. (Link via Dawn Treader)

This is one of the many reasons we don’t send our daughters to public school: Only one in four could name more than one of the five freedoms it upholds but more than half could name at least two members of the cartoon family. About one in five thought the right to own a pet…

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