Reformed Chicks Blabbing

First it was this and now this. Do you think Kanye West wants to bait Christians into condemning him for the publicity? Here he is in his own words: Cocky rap star KANYE WEST is calling for a revised edition of THE BIBLE, because he thinks he should be a character in it. The JESUS…

I am trying to hide the text on my digests since they are too long to post. I tried this but it didn’t work. All the entries said “read more” not just the one I wanted. Anyone know how to do this?

I am trying to hide the text on my digests since they are too long to post. I tried this but it didn’t work. All the entries said “read more” not just the one I wanted. Anyone know how to do this?

Since my recent run-in with the law, I have been making sure to check the speed limit of whatever road I’m on and then do it. But it is absolutely impossible to do 25. Not only does my car refuse to do anything less then 30 mph, but I have to contend with tailgaters since…

This is amazing: Some members of a Lutheran parish on Chicago’s far South Side said they are outraged police arrested the Rev. Jimmy McCants in the middle of his sermon. McCants, 54, has been the focus of a dispute between rival factions at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church. The church’s board of directors told police the…

I have posted my Doctrine of Salvation II digest of John Murray’s article “Common Grace” to my other blog.

John Murray, Collected Writings, vol II, Systematic Theology, 93-122 I. Definition — “every favour of whatever kind or degree, falling short of salvation, which this undeserving and sin-cursed world enjoys at the hand of God.” II. Nature of Common Grace A. God restrains sin – man is restrained from reaching the potentiality of his sin…

I just got a speeding ticket on the way to seminary. Anyone traveling on the PA Turnpike might want to stay a few miles under the limit because I was not going as fast as the State Trooper said I was (I asked him if he were sure that it was me going that fast).…

Having lived through the Carter administration (yes, I am that old and I wasn’t a baby) and waited in gas lines, I am hopeful that his son’s political career ends quickly. Read about his son’s bid for the Nevada senate seat against a Republican incumbent (thankfully) here. (Link via The Corner)

Way to go, Delaware Christians! Praise God for His answer to your prayers. “Several supporters, including sponsor Rep. Deborah Hudson, R-Fairthorne, said the bill’s references to embryonic stem cell research were removed because of a powerful lobbying and advertising campaign that opposed the bill. The campaign Rep. Hudson referenced, “A Rose & a Prayer,” is…

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