Reformed Chicks Blabbing

I have a good friend who believes herself to be a Christian. But she happened to come over while another friend and I were having a discussion about the Bible, and she basically looked at us like we were daft and scoffed at us for believing in the virgin birth and other miracles. I defended…

I am in the library now, waiting for the bookstore to open so I can purchase the rest of my textbooks. Class was interesting so I didn’t check my email. Poythress is an engaging teacher so it wasn’t torture :-). I know that I have been complaining about going back to seminary but now that…

I am blogging from my classroom at seminary! And no, I am not doing it during class. They have finally wired the campus and we now have wireless in the classrooms. I got here early, so I thought I would check out the connection. Now, if the lecture is boring, I can log in and…

OK, how do I say this nicely? The Presbyterian didn’t do so good. Her team lost and then she voted off the strongest member (she found them water, started the fire, even provided them with a fish) to keep one of the weaker members (she is afraid of leaves and never slept outside). Maybe she…

Well, it has been fun but the end is fast approaching. My first class starts tomorrow. I hope I have time to check in but since I didn’t read any of the books I wanted to, I fear I’m doomed. But on a brighter note, I decided to enjoy myself tonight and watch Survivor. I…

Here is a link to an article about a new textbook that teaches the Bible as literature. I am so pleased by this because it is really needed. Since the Bible has been removed from the public schools, I have been afraid that the nation’s children would become illiterate. So much of western civilization art…

Yes! There is going to be a sequel to Narnia but it will not be here until Christmas 2007! The sequel will be Prince Caspian. Read all about it here. (Link via The Corner) BTW, I am not surprised that there will be a sequel since it has made over 600 million world wide!

Brian McLaren has stepped in it over at Leadership magazine (or we could say he has grabbed the third rail of Christianity) in an article about welcoming homosexuals into the church. I think that his article is very clever and presents the issue in terms that a Christian would of course sympathize with: a young…

A woman is booted from the dressing room for exposing her breast in Victoria’s Secret! Can you believe it? How could the salesperson say with a straight face, “I am sorry but you have to put that breast away?” Read the whole story here (including damage control by their spokesperson). (Link via Drudge)

FYI… See the reactions. Interesting. The only one that makes any sense is Ellie. It’s a sad commentary on the church.

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