Reformed Chicks Blabbing

I didn’t know that The American Spectator has a blog. And I found out from the reformation21 blog that Kim Riddlebarger has a blog.

I put up a new post over at my other blog.

Commuting my daughters to school can be time consuming and nerve-wracking and as a Christian it can be a real struggle to keep Matthew 5:21-22 in mind. It is so easy to call the person who cuts me off an idiot or the person who pulls in front of me and the puts on his…

Check it out. I never watch this show, but I’d be tempted to watch it so I am prepared to give a defense…… I wonder if the network knows exactly what a “conservative Christian” is? I doubt it.

I am really out of it because I didn’t even know this was going on until I read the post in the reformation21 blog. In Italy a priest has to appear in court to prove the existence of Jesus! Hey Susan, I bet you wish it were you! Update: I found another article dated 1-27-06.…

A baptist, Justin Taylor (of John Piper’s ministry) asks a question about infant baptism on the reformation21 blog (the date of the question is 1/29/06). Rick Phillips gives a very good response (dated 1/29/06). Here’s a quote: One reality this makes clear is that the difference between paedo- and craedo-baptists is not really about who…

I’ve noticed it happening over the last year, not being able to read the fine print on the medicine bottles, having to ask my children what dosage I’m supposed to give them but I’ve been able to read books and other printed material with no problem until Sunday. On Sunday I was unable to read… is my home page and every time I click on Internet Explorer I am tempted with this in the recipe section. It is driving me crazy! Mmm,chocolate.

So, my husband opens a new checking account at a bank closer to our home but doesn’t add me to the account. Should I be suspicious?

In case you live in a bubble and haven’t heard, the Oscars were announced today. I wonder how many people are like me and have only seen a few of the movies nominated. I wonder if there will be much interest in the Oscars given the movies that were nominated (none of which were huge…

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