It looks like Dawkins meet his match in a debate that took place on Oct. 3 in Alabama of all places. He debated John Lennox, a professor of mathematics and philosophy at Oxford (Dawkins is also an Oxford Don). It looks like they kept each on their toes: A highly publicized, sold-out debate on God…

Why, oh why doesn’t Bush get it? Sometimes you think he does and then he says something incredibly stupid and you wonder if the left is right about him: President George Bush has repeated his belief all religions, “whether they be Muslim, Christian, or any other religion, prays to the same God” ” an assertion…

A banner depicting Jesus washing the feet of world leaders including bin Laden has sparked a controversy: Large posters depicting Jesus Christ washing the feet of world leaders as well as terrorist Osama bin Laden have generated numerous complaints at the Oregon malls where they were featured and mall officials planned to remove them Wednesday.…

Talking to God seems to run in the family: Twenty years ago, televangelist Oral Roberts said he was reading a spy novel when God appeared to him and told him to raise $8 million for Roberts’ university, or else he would be “called home.” Now, his son, Oral Roberts University President Richard Roberts, says God…

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