Well, it turned off this voter: “I was a Huckabee supporter until about a week ago,” said Brian Wright, a Fort Madison resident. “And then I heard his comment about Pakistan today.” […] “Knowing that Senator Fred Thompson has foreign policy experience with the world leaders, I believe he’s the best choice,” said Wright, adding…

I don’t see how helpful it is to the Huckabee campaign to put out an attack ad of this quality. The laugh track is very annoying and seems random (when I played it the first time I thought something was playing on another browser window). And the flip-flop charge is one that could be turned…

Uh oh! Fox better get ready for an email and phone call blitz: According to the New Hampshire State Republican Party and an Associated Press report, Republican presidential candidate and Texas Congressman Ron Paul will be excluded from an upcoming forum of Republican candidates to be broadcast by Fox News on January 6, 2008. (via)

Oh boy! While public polls show Mike Huckabee leading Mitt Romney in Iowa, a new survey of an oversized sample shows Huckabee slipping and no longer ahead of Romney. A private corporate interest commissioned a phone bank survey of 15,000 Iowans who say they will attend Republican presidential caucuses Jan. 3. It showed Romney with…

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