How about Clinton? I’m really not interested in what Thompson did as a lawyer and tort reform isn’t really big on my list of problems facing this country. I’m more concerned with what he plans to do about illegal immigration, the war on terror, what type of judges he plans to put on the bench,…

Only in the Democrat primary would a candidate be compared to the “enemy” just because she understands that the president doesn’t get used for propaganda purposes by dictators. It was a pretty smart answer which demonstrated her experience and knowledge of foreign affairs. Obama might want to stop reminding us that he isn’t ready for…

For the dialup people, the question is: “if any of you could be on the Law and Order show, what would you play? Would you be a lawyer, or a policemen or a rapist?” Then they suggested that Chris Dodd could play a rapist and Obama could play Ice T’s brother (it’s funnier when you…

Save us, Newt! Save us from the “pygmies!” I know that there are some of you waiting around for Newt to enter the race and think that he has something to offer that the others in the field do not and evidently he feels the same way: Dismissing the GOP presidential field as a “pathetic”…

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