Unbelievable! He makes his Christian faith a major part of his campaign, speaks about it on the stump and even features it in his campaign ads and yet he complains when the press ask about it: Huckabee bristles about the depth to which he’s asked questions about his faith in an interview with GQ and…

Blogs about it at Redstate: And what if the NIE estimate is accurate? It’s essentially an analysis of Iran’s intentions at a point in time. Meanwhile, Iran continues to enrich uranium for allegedly peaceful purposes, but which would allow them to easily transition to a nuclear weapons program at any point in the future. Maybe…

This race just keeps getting weirder: A group has claimed responsibility, a self-described “grassroots independent organization committed to educating voters to support Governor Mike Huckabee for the Republican Nomination for President of the United States” and notes that they aren’t “authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.” Huckabee says he doesn’t approve of their tactics.…

God-o-Meter thought Thompson’s “I’m OK with the Lord, and the Lord is OK with me, as far as I can tell” was too tepid. Though Thompson was publicly affirming his relationship with God and Jesus, he did it with so little gusto that God-o-Meter will forego raising its needle. I guess God-o-Meter and the rest…

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