Well, can’t say that I blame him. Thompson is a low key candidate and certainly not what we thought we were getting. He doesn’t act like he really wants the nomination, so it makes sense to switch to someone who is actually campaigning for the job but I’m sticking with him because he is the…

I’m afraid that the Republican party is a little too sophisticated to allow politicians to get a away with superficial answers. We want specifics especially since there are so many other candidates to choice from. We don’t just want to beat Hilliary, we want a good president who represents or views and holds to our…

Ouch! BTW, I’m not sure why “it’s important that the language of Zion is a mother tongue and not a recently acquired second language.” We are electing a president not a pastor. My pastor needs to speak the “language of Zion” my president needs to speak the language of DC.

The Arlington group has decided that there really is no clear choice of who to vote for: Several conservative leaders yesterday concluded that none of the principal Republican presidential hopefuls deserves their support, not even Mike Huckabee, a Southern Baptist minister. “There was no consensus on candidates, no agreement, period,” a participant confided after the…

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