Brett McCracken, whose book “Hipster Christianity” and the online “Are you a Christian hipster?” quiz inspired this popular post yesterday , turned up in the combox thread to that post to explain what he was up to in that book. I’ve moved his comment here to make sure you see it: I’m the author of…

How on earth does a man who trains for 150-mile races do it without eating meat or dairy protein? Mark Bittman talks to Scott Jurek. Excerpt: He said he spent a great deal of time shopping, preparing and cooking food — and chewing. He is among the slowest and most deliberate eaters I know, and…

Here’s a long, good interview from the UK’s Prospect magazine with Jon Cruddas, a Labour Party community activist, who talks about how conventional politics are failing to account for actual changes in British society. Much of this is highly specific to Britain, but could be easily understood in an American context. The “mattress” thing is…

UPDATE: Brett McCracken, author of the Christian hipster book, weighs in in the combox thread!Try this online quiz. Caveat: it’s intended for Evangelicals, so there will be questions that Catholics and Orthodox Christians can’t answer. What’s more, if you don’t know the world of CCM, or the names of major contemporary Protestant pastors/authors are unknown…

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