I’m told that my cancer-stricken sister Ruthie is making a pilgrimage today to the New Orleans shrine of the Blessed F.X. Seelos, a 19th-century priest whose prayers are believed to have been instrumental in miraculous cures. There is a healing mass for the sick there today at 1 pm Central time; today is the 10th…

Adventures in modern Christian piety. At the two-minute mark, things really get rolling:On second thought, maybe Torquemada was onto something…UPDATE: Seriously, though, I honestly don’t understand the appeal of this kind of religion. I am not a charismatic, nor do I find charismatic religion appealing, but I absolutely understand the craving for charismatic experience, and…

There has been a lot of commentary on the political blogs around the concept of “epistemic closure,” which is a fancy way of saying “closed-mindedness.” The point of discussion has been on whether or not conservatives today are “epistemically closed,” meaning in practical terms, are they willing to consider information and arguments that tell them…

If you found the Woody Allen nihilism thread of interest, I’ve got something else for you to chew on. In a bracing essay dismissing the New Atheists lock, stock and barrel, Orthodox Christian theologian David Bentley Hart says none of them hold a candle to Friedrich Nietzsche. Excerpt: The only really effective antidote to the…

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