In a combox thread below, I mentioned that my priest yesterday said in his homily that one of these days, a general persecution of Christians is coming; his point was, more or less, to ask if they start putting people on trial for being Christian, will there be enough evidence to convict any of us?…

The plot thickens: ROME (AP) — Spanish media are quoting a retired Vatican cardinal as saying the late Pope John Paul II backed his letter congratulating a French bishop for risking jail for shielding a priest convicted of raping minors.Web sites of La Verdad and other Spanish newspapers reported Saturday that Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos,…

While we’re on the topic of crooked and immoral church administration, let’s look at the Orthodox Church in America. Shortly before he was elected primate of the Orthodox Church in America, Bishop Jonah gave an electrifying speech in which he said the two previous metropolitans of the OCA, Theodosius and Herman, were corrupt, and that…

Lee Podles draws attention to a French Catholic magazine’s publication of a 2001 letter Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos wrote to Pierre Pican, a French bishop who had just been sentenced to jail for not having reported a pedophile priest to civil authorities. At the time the cardinal was prefect for the Congregation for the Clergy…

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