Stunning reporting from the National Catholic Reporter’s Jason Berry about how the drug-addicted pedophile Father Marcial Maciel funneled payoffs to very high-ranking members of the Roman curia — including his great protector, for Vatican Secretary of State Angelo Cardinal Sodano — to buy influence for him and his very conservative, and highly corrupt, religious order.…

It’s startling to realize that we’re coming up on the 20th anniversary of Walker Percy’s death (May 10, 1990). Has he really been gone that long? What would he have to say to us today? I wish he were still here. By the way, I heard the other day from Win Riley, the New Orleans…

In this blog post, I will show you Ross Douthat saying why the Catholic abuse scandal is bad news for Red Tories and Front Porchers who prize localism. But first, a word about Maureen Dowd. Another day, yet another nitwit Dowd column about the Catholic scandal. She’s now reduced to playing the gender card: I’ve…

Shocking news from the world of Protestant theology: Bruce Waltke, arguably the pre-eminent Old Testament scholar in the field, has resigned from the Reformed Theological Seminary Orlando. Why? It’s not clear, but this comes right after he was excoriated by other conservative Protestant figures for statements made in a video posted to the BioLogos website.…

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