Rod Dreher

Urbanist Joel Kotkin is not bullish on Europe’s future, especially southern Europe. Excerpt: In stating the case for European superiority, much has been made by boosters of Europe’s different institutional framework, tax or regulatory structure. No question these have advantages and disadvantages compared with those of the United States, but there’s little case for arguing…

So, I was home from church a second Sunday in a row because of these damned seasonal allergies. I spent much of yesterday, a beautiful Saturday, on the couch, exhausted. I fought off a sinus infection last week that came out of my allergies, and now I’m back to plain old allergies, which make my…

With all that oil gushing out of the BP well in the Gulf, haven’t you been wondering where the oil is, and why the slick hasn’t gotten bigger, or started rolling in giant waves onto shore? I have. Well, they may have an answer now. Not good. Not good at all: Scientists are finding enormous…

Alan Jacobs gave up on a book he was reading because the author made so many porn jokes and references that Jacobs got fed up with it. He observes how many of us, when criticizing stuff like this, can’t help making ironic reference to our own out-of-touchness, as if we were somehow embarrassed by our…

Brett McCracken, whose book “Hipster Christianity” and the online “Are you a Christian hipster?” quiz inspired this popular post yesterday , turned up in the combox thread to that post to explain what he was up to in that book. I’ve moved his comment here to make sure you see it: I’m the author of…

How on earth does a man who trains for 150-mile races do it without eating meat or dairy protein? Mark Bittman talks to Scott Jurek. Excerpt: He said he spent a great deal of time shopping, preparing and cooking food — and chewing. He is among the slowest and most deliberate eaters I know, and…

Here’s a long, good interview from the UK’s Prospect magazine with Jon Cruddas, a Labour Party community activist, who talks about how conventional politics are failing to account for actual changes in British society. Much of this is highly specific to Britain, but could be easily understood in an American context. The “mattress” thing is…

UPDATE: Brett McCracken, author of the Christian hipster book, weighs in in the combox thread!Try this online quiz. Caveat: it’s intended for Evangelicals, so there will be questions that Catholics and Orthodox Christians can’t answer. What’s more, if you don’t know the world of CCM, or the names of major contemporary Protestant pastors/authors are unknown…

Jody Bottum of First Things and I have not been on the same page in responding to the Catholic sex abuse scandal, to put it very mildly, so I have to strongly commend to you today his ringing unambiguous call for the apparently corrupt Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Dean of the College of Cardinals, to move…

This comment appeared overnight on the “Fat As A Moral Issue” thread. We’d been talking about the book “The Urban Hermit,” a book by a formerly obese journalist who got down to a healthy weight by intense dieting, and who attributes his weight problem to immaturity and moral lassitude. He tied his obesity to his…

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