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Rod Dreher
Rod Dreher
Your age = your views on market, morals
Rod Dreher
…because, says this surprisingly detailed analysis from the dating site (!) OkCupid, people swing wildly in their economic and social views depending on age. Excerpt: » Both socially and economically, teenagers prefer an anything-goes type situation. » But as these teenagers grow up a bit and enter the job market, they quickly develop progressive economic…
Food politics in France and America
Rod Dreher
Adam Gopnik, writing in The New Yorker: In America and England, you are what you think about eating. Tell me where you stand on Michelle Obama’s organic White House garden and (with the exception of a handful of “Crunchy Cons” and another handful of grumpy left-wing nostalgists for whiskey and cigarettes) I can tell what…
How to admit that you were wrong
Rod Dreher
A reader forwards this LA Times column by Tim Rutten, who wonders what prominent American Catholics who had publicly defended the Legionaries of Christ founder Marcial Maciel from abuse charges will do now that the late Maciel has been revealed to have been a serial molester and a massive fraud? (By the way, not that…
Triduum in a cave
Rod Dreher
Today, for many Christians, begins the Triduum, the holiest period of the Christian year. Awful night last night — anxiety dreams about my sister and her cancer. Images of me walking on broken glass with bare feet, trying to get back home to Louisiana, but lost. I was in the ruins of an inner-city black…
Orwell, Havel and the power of truth-telling
Rod Dreher
Two days ago, a car in front of me featured a bumper sticker with the following quote: “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” — George Orwell. Other stickers on that car’s bumper included a pro-vegetarian slogan, that familiar line about it’ll be a good day when the military…
Tactless Erykah Badu gets naked at JFK death site
Rod Dreher
Well, this is probably the most interesting thing to happen at Dealey Plaza since 1963: in her new video (see it here — thanks to the magic of pixilation, it’s safe for work), singer Erykah Badu takes all her clothes off and fakes being shot in the head on the very spot where JFK had…
Against politicizing love and relationships
Rod Dreher
Ricky Martin’s self-outing has Megan McArdle thinking: Why do we think that our love lives are such a central part of our existence that we cannot be perfectly whole unless we’ve shared the major details with the world? I’m not arguing that Ricky Martin should stay in the closet–I’m glad he’s out and proud, and…
The agony of lung cancer
Rod Dreher
I spoke with my mother this morning on the way to work, and she was telling me in detail how much my sister Ruthie is suffering from the heavy chemotherapy she’s on to fight her lung cancer. It’s absolutely heartbreaking to think of my beautiful sister, who was so healthy only a few months ago,…
Stewart Brand: Underpopulation hurts the environment
Rod Dreher
A Chicago area reader passes along a Boston Globe Ideas section Q&A in which Stewart Brand, pioneering environmentalist and author of “The Whole Earth Catalog,” sounds the alarm about the dangers of underpopulation. Excerpt: IDEAS: So as people start to have fewer kids and those kids have fewer kids, you’re expecting that there might be…
A foodie paradox: It’s expensive to eat poor
Rod Dreher
Lovely story from today’s NYT food section about Darina Allen, an Irish woman who has worked hard to bring back traditional Irish cooking. Excerpt: “Using elements of native cuisine in a white-tablecloth setting was totally new in Ireland at the time,” said Colman Andrews, the author of “The Country Cooking of Ireland” (Chronicle Books, 2009).…
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