Rod Dreher

Here is the text of Pope Benedict’s letter to the Catholic Church in Ireland. There are plenty of very strong words in it, and a level of detail and directness that is incomparably better than the vague euphemisms Benedict’s predecessor used to talk about the scandal, when he bothered to talk about it at all.…

I love the smell of used bookstores. The aroma of yellowing print and flaking glue in the binding is so comforting to me. In the old days, I used to visit them far more frequently, in part because I was on a grail quest. The idea fixed in my head was that the answer —…

Writing in Saturday’s Washington Post, Marc Fisher uses his review of the new German-American museum to remark critically on the essential fraudulence of museums of ethnic heritage. Excerpt: But when each ethnic group creates its own museum, visitors are left without the tools to put each ethnicity’s take on history in any useful context. The…

I’ve been thinking today about the things I heard at the Phillip Blond event, and hope to post a response sometime tomorrow. I want to say, though, that while in Washington, I bought a (startlingly expensive paperback) book of Roger Scruton’s personal essays called “Gentle Regrets.” It’s wonderful, really and truly, and a treasure. I…

Today at Georgetown, a perfect stranger came up to me and told me he offered his rosary every day for my sister Ruthie, and prays too that God will give him the grace to offer the same kind of witness she does in the way she’s dealing with her cancer. I heard many fine and…

“If we don’t believe that truth exists, and is knowable to us, then it’s nothing but advertising.” — Phillip Blond, at Georgetown this afternoon. David Rieff: Here is the management guru Tom Peters writing in Fast Company in early 2009: “Today, in the Age of the Individual, you have to be your own brand. Here’s…

A Philadelphia reader passes along this deeply moving essay by a Catholic mother of a Down syndrome child, responding to some vandals who stole photos of Down children from a website, and reposted them making fun of the kids and their condition. Excerpt: This attack was also painful because of the callous lack of understanding…

Joel Kotkin says the 21st century will continue to be a suburban one for America, but that we’ll see a different kind of suburb. Excerpt: Over the next few decades, however, suburban communities will evolve beyond the conventional 1950s-style “production suburbs” of vast housing tracts constructed far from existing commercial and industrial centers. The suburbs…

He ain’t quite the famous Debbie, but I’d sure pay cash money to go hear Prof. Patrick Deneen speak on Saturday at the Adolphus Hotel in Dallas. Ah, but the speech will be free and open to the public, as will other speeches at the ISI conference on American identity and constitutional order: “Land of…

Greetings from Georgetown, where we heard tonight the English public intellectual Philip Blond introduce Red Toryism to an American audience. Blond is an engaging speaker and and real optimist about the possibility of positive political change (at dinner tonight after the speech, it was encouraging for a pessimist like me to hear him speak so…

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